
TN's Tips on chest pass

TN's Tips For Chest pass

Receive the ball in the triple-threat position (feet shoulder-width apart and slightly staggered, knees bent, shooting hand on top of the ball and your other hand to the side, and elbows bent at 90-degree angles).
Hold the ball on a level even with your sternum.
Push off your back foot.  
Take a step with your front foot.
Extend your arms in a quick motion to pass the ball.  
When your teammate is moving, lead the ball far enough in front of your teammate so he or she doesn't have to break stride to catch it. When your teammate is standing still, pass the ball so your teammate is not forced to move.
Avoid using the chest pass when a defender is lurking around your teammate. This pass is easier to steal because it's generally thrown in a straight line.  
You can throw the chest pass with velocity since you don't bounce it.  
The chest pass is best used on the perimeter of the court.

Click on this video and watch how to make a chest pass